Lesson 3

  Today's lesson is about the effect of native languages. I was surprised that babies get rid of pronunciations which they don't need so we can't speak another languages well. I also think the differences between Japan and other countries in the class. For example, we usually take a lesson so quietly in Japan, but in America, many students tell others their opinions in a class. The culture shock affects learning other languages so we should not only practice to speak other languages but also study other countries' cultures in order to learn other languages. 


  1. I often wonder why Japanese children in elementary schools can be as active as those in the U.S., freely expressing their opinions. It is when they enter junior high schools when they suddenly become very quiet during the discussions. Why is that? Do you have any thoughts on this?

  2. Learning culture is very important. That makes study abroad a very precious experience. If you can, why don't you actually take part in the culture? (Koyo)





Lesson 5