
12月, 2020の投稿を表示しています


   Today’s lesson, our senior, Koyo Ogawa, told us about graduate school and dissertation. He studies the English education in graduate school because he wants to be a English teacher. I didn’t know about graduate school well but I thought I had a choice of entering the school in the future.


  In the third lesson, I learned Working Memory. Memory has three types, Sensory memory, Working memory and Long-Term memory. The reason why we need the working memory is thanks to it, we can interpret a sentence or paragraph and we can reason. I learned the working memory for the first time and the reason I forgot many things is my working memory may be worse.


   In the lesson, I learned the benefits and problems of CLT. Moreover, I played an activity. That was I should who was made a picture or sculpture. At first, I didn't know what I have to do well but after I understood, I could answered correctly. 

Lesson 1 (後半授業)

   Today's lesson was introduction of this class. At first, the teacher told us the schedule of this class, and then, he explained the way of teaching other languages. After the explanation, we made a pair and did an activity. We had to guess what went in the blank.