
11月, 2019の投稿を表示しています


'Crash!' 'Aaah!' I looked up from my coffee. 'Crash!' - that was the acafe window. And 'Aaah!' - that was Kate. This book's genre is thriller. The main character is a man and he loves Kate, whose father run a Web Cafe. One day, the window in the cafe was broken by someone. The main character did't know who broke the window, but Kate and her father perhaps noticed the criminals. Who was he or she???

Inspector Logan

He sat back from the table and looked from Logan to Grant and back. 'Take him away, Sergeant,' said Logan. 'Yes, madam,' said Grant. 'Madam?' thought Logan. And she smiled. You maybe thought "These frases are so good?" but I'm sure that you can understand the reason why I chose the frases.   The main charactor is a young woman and she is a police officer. She got a new mission with a old man. She was his boss, but he didn't call her “Madam” because of the difference of age. However, one incident changed their relationship. If you read this book, you can enjoy not only mysterious story but also their relationship.


"It feels good to be back in the city again," the man said. "There's no city like New York. But what do you do, mister?" "The  name's Nat Marley,' I replied. "I'm a private inevstigator." "Ineed to find an old friend," the man said. "He was like a brother to me." This book is mystery. A man who is a police officer was asked to find three people. However, two out of three was dead. Why they were killed? And, who did kill them?

Bad Love

On Wednesday my boss, Leo Cohn, chief of the Denver Police Department, called me into his office. "Dead?" FI said. "Jack Daly?" "Did you know him?" "Not very well," I said. "I met him at a party four days ago." "Oh," said Cohn. "Well, now he's dead." "How?" I asked. "Was it at the hospital?"   Cohn stood by his desk with some papers in his hand. He was a thin man woho worked too much. He never sat down. "No," said Leo. "He died in his office downtown." When I saw the title of this book, I thought this book was love story, but it was not. This book is mystery! The main character in the story fell in love with a man, but he was killed by someone. The woman tried to find the criminal...


Three months later we went to Salvo's restaurant again. I said, 'Gina, I love you. I want to marry you... but we need more money.' We were so happy, but we had no money. I was a handyman and I didn't make much money. And Gina was a teacher of small children. When a man went to the theater, he met a woman, and they fell in love. However, they didn’t have enough money to get married. One day, they watched a movie whose story resembled their situation. After the man watched it, he plot one thing in order to get married to the woman. What was the plan?